
The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx: Adventure & Campaign Setting

Created by Gooey Cube/Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter

The enthralling and lampoony, collectible TTRPG adventure & campaign homage to Gary Gygax, authored by Luke Gygax and Alphinius Goo!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Slight Delay on the Pledge Manager. We are soon to release the "Secret Codes Giveaway" (don't worry... it's easy). And join us this morning for Goo Morning Zyathé if you can. =)
2 months ago – Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 07:49:31 AM


Cheers friends!! 

Just a quick update this morning. 

Goo Morning Zyathé Today! Join Us!!

First... please join us at 10am MT (9am PT, 11am CT, and noon ET) for our Goo Morning Zyathé Livestream:

Join Goo Morning

We'll have TWO give aways... a Kickstarter update... speak on some marvelous topics... and do some social media fun. It's a great time. And you can win stuffs!!


Slight Delay on Pledge Manager

Also... we're just a touch delayed while we get BackerKit's approval (and any updates) they want us to make on the Pledge Manager. We will know more on Monday but we do think it will launch next week.


Secret Codes Giveaway Launching This Week!!

Yes... we wil launch this fun little giveaway for you. But don't worry... it will be pretty easy. You won't have to go digging through past updates and all that. 

More to come on this next week!!


Lastly... We wish you a marvelous weekend filled with much fun and fabulousness. Hope to see you in a couple hours on Goo Morning Zyathé.


-- Alphinius & Camera Mandi

The first Secret Code will be brought forth tomorrow morning on our Twitch Stream program: Goo Morning Zyathé!! With something special to give away!! Please join us if you can.
2 months ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 01:14:03 PM

Secret Code #1 will be brought forth tomorrow (Saturday the 13th) on Goo Morning Zyathé with a prize to be given away. Plus 10 more draws from the 50 Prizes for 50 Years giveaway!! Please join us at 10am Mountain Time tomorrow: 


Also the Pledge Manager is getting very close to being ready. Our current estimate is Wednesday, April 17th. When Phase 2 of the Kickstarter begins you'll have the chance for more Stretch Goals!!


Hail friends!!

Please join us if you are able on Goo Morning Zyathé where the first of the secret codes from the Kickstarter updates shall be brought forth.... with a prize to be given away. Indeed, if you discern the answer, you could get loots!!

10am Mountain Time (9am PT, 11am CT, noon ET) on Saturday April 13th!!


Much fun shall be had along with some likely shenanigans which we hope will bring much laughter and fun to your Saturday morning. 

So please do join us tomorrow if you can.

Pledge Manager Almost Ready

Also... we are getting very close with the pledge manager for the Kickstarter fulfillment. We are currently estimating that it will be ready to launch on Wednesday or Thursday of this upcoming week (April 17th or 18th). And as we noted in the last update we will be adding to the stretch goals based on Add-Ons and Late-Backer Pledges to give you even more value if you are one who backed the Kickstarter.

If you haven't backed but would still like to, this will be a great opportunity to do so. Please keep your eye out for the BackerKit Opening Announcement.

That's it for this update. Hope to see you tomorrow on Goo Morning.


-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

Important Update! Please Read. You can get more free stuff!! Also...Kickstarter Phase 2 will soon begin!! Late Pledge Opportunities... More stretch goals for you... Amazing Add-Ons... An incredible new collectible... And a Special Referral Program too!!
3 months ago – Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 06:14:46 PM

Halloooo Friends!! 

This is an important update. Please take a few minutes to review it. 

And thank you ALL for making Gyzaengaxx so successful!!


In this update:


How do you get the Gooey Haul? And if you DIDN'T pre-register... how to get it NOW!! (You want to do this!).


Pledge Manager Status. We're working diligently. We should distribute surveys next week. AMAZING Add-On deals that will count towards more stretch goals!!


Kickstarter Phase 2 is about to begin. MORE stretch goal opportunities for YOU!! And an exclusive referral program to get a most rare and special collectible!!


Missed the Kickstarter? Late Pledge Options are soon to become available. And these will ADD to the stretch goals for all!!


Cheers and greetings to each of you!!

Once again, thank you to those of you who backed the Kickstarter. Your support is so appreciated and we hope that the incredible value you received by being a part of it is very gratifying and brings you much happiness. Between the stretch goals, the limited edition products, and (we promise) the effort, quality, and care that will go into all of these materials, we truly believe you will be quite pleased with your decision to back.

Get the Gooey Haul

BUT... we also want to make sure all the backers also get the Gooey Haul. So if you backed and you have not yet done so, please go to the registration page and complete the little form there. That is the only way for you to get the Gooey Haul digital materials. The Gooey Haul is, effectively, an extra stretch goal for backing. Depending on what level you backed at, it could mean considerable extra value!

Register Now!

As to "redeeming" the Gooey Haul, that will come soon. Please know that some of the materials are not fully complete and we need to finish those. We also need to know who is opting in to get physical versions of the haul which will happen in the Pledge Manager. You will be sent a code to redeem the digitals when that is complete... likely in the next two to three weeks or so.

Backing at the Adventure & Campaign Level or above qualifies you for all this extra digital loot!!


Pledge Manager Status

We are working diligently on getting the pledge manager and backer surveys and hope to have this all completed by next week. We are, as was noted above, going to continue to add to the stretch goals based on the Add-Ons that backers purchase as part of final surveys... AND... we are also going to count any late pledges towards those stretch goals as well.

We very much want to get to at least $700k in total funding to finish the Crovenloft tales and then... (and we think we can do this) we REALLY want to get to $800k in total funding and add the sequel to "A Trouble with Rats"... co-authored by Ed Greenwood. Plus there will be a few "interim stretch goals" in there as well as we progress.

And we can't wait to show you what's in store if we hit $900k!! And beyond that what we have for you at $1 million!!


Kickstarter Phase 2 is Coming....

Refer a Friend for something truly special!!

Most Kickstarters do not do this but we really want to show our appreciation for our backers. And we want to push the funding level higher to get you more stretch goals and help us add to the overall Gyzaengaxx tales. Thus, as noted above, we are going to count Add-On purchases towards the next levels of stretch goals. And we will also count any late pledges in those totals as well. 

To keep track of this, we will have a special web page available to you on the Gooey Cube Web Site. This will be provided at the same time as the Pledge Manager opens next week. There you will be able to see all the additional stretch goals and we will keep you appraised of the running total of incremental pledges and Add-Ons on a daily basis. So watch your emails and these updates for that link.

But more than this... we are introducing an exclusive referral program. One where you can get the special collectible we are producing for this project at a substantial discount... or even for FREE. 

The Art & Secrets of Gyzaengaxx will be a marvelous oversized "coffee-table book" that will contain many beautiful art pieces from the Gyzaengaxx tales. But beyond this the tome will also bring much lore and legend from the earlier days of this marvelous game we all love. There will be "nods" and "Easter Eggs" and other such wonderful little bits of information from Luke and Alphinius along with "inside information" on Gyzaengaxx that will only be available in this book.

The Art & Secrets of Gyzaengaxx will also be autographed by Luke and Alphinius and will be offered in very limited quantities. 

This marvelous art-tome is a $100 value with the autographs by Luke and Alphinius, but given that it will be produced in a very small quantity, the true value is likely much more than that for those who (like we do) love to collect such things.

Now, because you backed us, you will be able to purchase one of these marvelous tomes with the autographs as an Add-On with a significant discount depending on what level you backed at. But there is a way to get this wonderful collectible for free. Simply refer a friend who will back us during Phase 2 of the Kickstarter. That's it. And you can get this amazing collectible at no cost!!

The marvelous Art & Secrets of Gyzaengaxx will be a treasured collectible you will love!!


Please know that the person you refer must back at the Adventure & Campaign level or above for you to receive the tome for free. If they back at the Adventure level only or the Campaign level only, there will be a modest charge of $20 plus shipping for you to receive the tome.

We will soon put up a Gyzaengaxx Refer-A-Friend page that is designed to track those who late pledge based on your recommendation to make sure you get credit for their backing.


They MUST go to that Refer-A-Friend page either before or after they pledge and fill out the form... AND... this is most important... be sure to put in your first and last name, and email address, in the "Referrer" fields. If they don't do this, you won't get credit for the referral.

Watch for our upcoming emails and updates that will announce the opening of the Pledge Manager and the launching of the Refer-A-Friend page.

Onward to More Adventure!!

So please keep your eye on the updates and emails from us. Kickstarter Phase 2 will only be active for a relatively short period of time and, after that, the limited edition materials will no longer be available. 

Thank you once more. Let's push this last phase and get you even more value. We so appreciate your backing and support.

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

A bit of housekeeping stuff before the weekend. Another secret code?!?! Saturday morning "Con Crud Kickstarter Celebration" AND Giveaway!! And one last Kickstarter Project you need to check out!!
3 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 11:26:54 AM

"That's strange... did you hear that, darling"

The couple paused in their nightly stroll on the outskirts of Etholmm, and the woman, of Elvish and Human heritage, cocked her head. Just as she did so a silent dart flew forth from the bushes nearby striking the man in the neck. 

He slumped to the ground almost immediately.

The woman pulled forth the dagger from her hip and took up a defensive stance... facing the direction from which came the dart. But it would be to no avail. A second dart flew striking her in the shoulder.

As she fell to the ground, nearing unconsciousness, she saw two misshapen, grotesque figures stinking of death and rot emerged from the foliage. One of them spoke in a whisper...

"Yesss... our lady will be pleasssed... two fine specimines.....


Etholmm. A quiet village, every day like the one before. But all that is soon change. And it will not be for the better. No, it will not be....


Hail friends!!

Indeed we are excited for the work to come to craft this most magical environs and the associated amazing adventures. The value is incredible and the materials will be stellar.

We are still awaiting Kickstarter to release funds (typically around seven or so business days after the Kickstarter ends). And there are, as always, more than a few who are pending due to using the wrong credit card (or the right one that just had too much on it at the time... we've been there).

But if you could... please do fund your pledge if you have not yet done so, that will help us a lot as we go forward over the next week or so.

Also, we mentioned this in the last update but we would be most pleased if you would join us tomorrow (Saturday) on Goo Morning Zyathé at 10am MT (9am PT, 11am CT, noon ET) where we'll be talking all things Gary Con... the Kickstarter... Con Crud... do a marvelous giveaway... and more!! Here is the link:

Join Goo Morning Zyathé


Body By Gygax Challenge on Facebook!! Incredible Response from you all!!

So we put this up in our last update but so many people joined the group we thought we should put it out there once more.

Help your health with Luke and Bouchra and MUCH inspiration.

Check Out Body By Gygax



Our friends over at World of Game Design recently acquired the ZWEIHANDER RPG and are neck deep in a Kickstarter of their own! 

If you aren't familiar with these guys, they've been longtime friends all things Gooey; heck, one of their lead guys (Zac Goins) even helped us write our Wy'rded Magicks book, and they've been publishing their own 5e OGL content for years. Luke also loves this project and really wanted to do this shout out.

ZWEIHANDER is a game of gallows humor, social intrigue, investigative mystery, occult magic, and ancient vendettas meted out with blackpowder, sorcery, and steel. 

It’s a storytelling tabletop RPG (similar to D&D) but set in a medieval dark fantasy world and using a d100 gaming engine similar to Call of Cthulhu.

We'd love it if you'd go have a look (they also helped us promote The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx), and tell them Luke and Alphinius sent you!

You can check it out here:

More Coming Soon:

  • Add-Ons (many more than in the original Kickstarter)...
  • The potential to still get the Death in Crovenloft adventure... YESSS!!!
  • We could even get the sequel to A Trouble with Rats.
  • Plus the enigmatic "secret code" adventure.
  • And likely even more!!

There is so much more to come over the few couple of weeks, friends. We had such fun with this Kickstarter and we expect that the "after activities" will be just as fun.

So please watch the updates. 

And always remember... danger lurks in the shadows.....

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

Apologies for the somewhat tardy update. The wizard got the con crud!! It must have been the SLIME!!!
3 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 02:58:45 PM

Indeed friends, that was quite an amazing finish. But we are not yet done!! Indeed not!! 

Coming up the next 10 Business Days we will open up the Backer Kit with many new and exciting add-ons to add to the total.

And Luke and I have decided that we will keep the Death in Crovenloft as a stretch goal "after the fact"... so we can still get it at $700k raised!

AND... if we can get to $800k we will bring a sequel to "A Trouble with Rats".... YES we will!!

Body by Gygaxx Challenge is AMAZING!!

Also... what about those secret codes?



Hello friends!!

This will not be a long update but we do want to inform you of some key things that will be coming. First, barring some unforeseen circumstance, the BackKit Pledge Manager will open in about 10 business days from the writing of this update.

There will be many wonderful things in there from both GaxxWorx and Gooey and you will have the opportunity to get some discounted pricing on those materials because of your backing of the Kickstarter.

But there is more. We are going to keep track of the add-on totals and, when the add-ons surpass $700k (we think they will) we will produce Death in Crovenloft

Beyond THIS, however, we are also going to produce a sequel to "A Trouble with Rats" if we can surpass $800k.

We will be doing a short term "late pledge" option also so that may help us significantly as many have written us asking for a late pledge option. This is also a perfect chance for you to tell a friend and help us add to the haul. As many of you know, Ed Greenwood is going to co-author this with us and we are so excited to craft it with him. Now let us see if we can get a sequel!!


Body By Gygax Challenge on Facebook!! Check it out!!

If you're looking to get into a little better shape, The Body By Gygaxx Challenge on Facebook is amazing. Many people are taking advantage of this program to add a bit to their health and well-being. We would encourage you to waltz on over there and get your Gygax Body on!!

Check Out Body By Gygax


And What About Those Secret Codes?

HaHA!! Indeed friends... keep your eyes on this update starting next week as we play a little game that you will very much enjoy. 

And don't worry if your a bit behind on the tale... we'll catch you up.


Lastly... Join us for Goo Morning Zyathé on Saturday morning!!

Goo Morning Zyathé is our weekly live stream where we do all manner of interesting, strange, fun, and fearful things. This Saturday (10am MT), we will have a number of items for discussion including a little celebration for the Kickstarter's wonderful success.

So come and join us at 10am MT (9am PT, 11am CT, and noon ET) on our twich channel. It will be very fun. With likely many shenanigans being played....

Join Goo Morning Zyathé


Once again friends... thank you so much. Now let us see what we might do "after the fact" to add to the stretch goals!!


Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team