
The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx: Adventure & Campaign Setting

Created by Gooey Cube/Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter

The enthralling and lampoony, collectible TTRPG adventure & campaign homage to Gary Gygax, authored by Luke Gygax and Alphinius Goo!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Apologies for the somewhat tardy update. The wizard got the con crud!! It must have been the SLIME!!!
8 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 02:58:45 PM

Indeed friends, that was quite an amazing finish. But we are not yet done!! Indeed not!! 

Coming up the next 10 Business Days we will open up the Backer Kit with many new and exciting add-ons to add to the total.

And Luke and I have decided that we will keep the Death in Crovenloft as a stretch goal "after the fact"... so we can still get it at $700k raised!

AND... if we can get to $800k we will bring a sequel to "A Trouble with Rats".... YES we will!!

Body by Gygaxx Challenge is AMAZING!!

Also... what about those secret codes?



Hello friends!!

This will not be a long update but we do want to inform you of some key things that will be coming. First, barring some unforeseen circumstance, the BackKit Pledge Manager will open in about 10 business days from the writing of this update.

There will be many wonderful things in there from both GaxxWorx and Gooey and you will have the opportunity to get some discounted pricing on those materials because of your backing of the Kickstarter.

But there is more. We are going to keep track of the add-on totals and, when the add-ons surpass $700k (we think they will) we will produce Death in Crovenloft

Beyond THIS, however, we are also going to produce a sequel to "A Trouble with Rats" if we can surpass $800k.

We will be doing a short term "late pledge" option also so that may help us significantly as many have written us asking for a late pledge option. This is also a perfect chance for you to tell a friend and help us add to the haul. As many of you know, Ed Greenwood is going to co-author this with us and we are so excited to craft it with him. Now let us see if we can get a sequel!!


Body By Gygax Challenge on Facebook!! Check it out!!

If you're looking to get into a little better shape, The Body By Gygaxx Challenge on Facebook is amazing. Many people are taking advantage of this program to add a bit to their health and well-being. We would encourage you to waltz on over there and get your Gygax Body on!!

Check Out Body By Gygax


And What About Those Secret Codes?

HaHA!! Indeed friends... keep your eyes on this update starting next week as we play a little game that you will very much enjoy. 

And don't worry if your a bit behind on the tale... we'll catch you up.


Lastly... Join us for Goo Morning Zyathé on Saturday morning!!

Goo Morning Zyathé is our weekly live stream where we do all manner of interesting, strange, fun, and fearful things. This Saturday (10am MT), we will have a number of items for discussion including a little celebration for the Kickstarter's wonderful success.

So come and join us at 10am MT (9am PT, 11am CT, and noon ET) on our twich channel. It will be very fun. With likely many shenanigans being played....

Join Goo Morning Zyathé


Once again friends... thank you so much. Now let us see what we might do "after the fact" to add to the stretch goals!!


Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

A couple of Kickstarters you might want to check out!! They are marvelous!! And they helped us promote Gyzaengaxx as well so they helped your stretch goal value!! They are wonderful friends of the Gooey-Gaxxy Peoples!!
8 months ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 10:00:52 AM

Our friends at Norse Foundy have put out a most gooey product that you will love!! And our Troll Lord friends are doing a magnificent Gygaxian Kickstarter that is simply amazing!!

Check out the info below.


First... Norse Foundry's Ooze of Doom Metal RPG Dice. Perfectly gooey!! HaHA!!

Only 24 hours to go!!


The Ooziest dice EVEERRRR!!!

"Have you ever dreamt of wielding the power of the dreaded Ooze Cube? Norse Foundry did, which is why they've crafted the ooziest dice set that the TTRPG world has ever laid eyes upon...Seriously, the dice even come in ooze! Introducing the Ooze of Doom dice – a complete set of seven dice inspired by the most infamous gelatinous monster in fantasy lore. Each die bears the charred remnants of the brave heroes it has devoured, and let's not overlook the fact that they even glow in the dark! If you can envision yourself rolling these dice in your next game, head over to Norse Foundry's Kickstarter page ( and secure a set for yourself before the project concludes. Prepare for gaming adventures immersed in a gelatinous frenzy like never before."

We've backed this project and hope you will consider it as well.


Annnddd.... Troll Lord's AMAZING Gary Gygax's World Builders Archive. We LOVE this!!

Perfectly complimentary to the Gyzaengaxx stuffs!!

We backed it and are so excited to see it through!!


What are the Archives?

Gary Gygax's World Builders Archive is a Encyclopedic series envisioned by the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, Gary Gygax. He conceived the series as an open ended collection of role playing gaming aids for the Game Master and the Player, whose specific focus was creating Setting, Adventures, and World Building. Each of the volumes was written, co-written, or edited by Mr. Gygax. His overall goal and intent was to eventually cover all the bases of our gaming world.

The first of these books, The Canting Crew, was published in 2001. Six volumes followed and more were planned before his passing in 2008. 

Now, for the first time since they were pulled from the market in 2008, this collection of Gygaxian knowledge returns to the gaming world! Through this Kickstarter, we hope to bring back all seven volumes and more. Join us in reviving part of our gaming heritage and flood your own table with mountains of gaming content.

Back Gary Gygax's World Builders Archive


We're excited to tell you about these two wonderful projects and hope you will consider backing one of them or both!!


Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

A most wonderful finish to a magnificent adventure. Thank you ALL!!
8 months ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 06:44:49 AM

And so it ends. But this is only the beginning!! 

Indeed, friends... there is much more to come!!

Cheers and greetings, friends!!

We must begin by giving each of you a most hearty "thank you" for making this such a fun and amazing campaign. It was truly a joy to be on this first part of the journey with you and to know that we will soon begin crafting a most wonderful thing for so many tables.

Beyond this, we are so very excited to bring forth all the stretch goals you also helped to unlock. Your value for backing is significant and we cannot wait for you to get all of these wonderful materials.

Also, if you have not done so yet, may I encourage you to join the Gooey Cube Facebook Group... The Gooey Game Master's Den of Enlightenment. We will keep you up to date on this marvelous project within that group, but there is so much more that will be coming and the Gooey Den is the best place to get that information.

Indeed, you may even be able to create something... or even write something... for the Gyzaengaxx stories and have said creation published in the final product. Indeed you may!! 

Here is the link to the FB group:

Join the Gooey Den FB Group

In addition, for those wondering about all those "secrets" in the updates... a fun little game is soon to begin that you can be a part of if you wish to. There are prizes to be won and much fun coming. The updates to come shall carry these messages so please keep your eye on them.

Lastly... thank you so much for making Gyzaengaxx a reality. Without you it doesn't happen and we cannot tell you how excited we are to bring the tales to the world. We are certain you are going to love them all!

May all your adventures be sticky!

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

PS... for those wondering... we will be diligently working on getting the BackerKit Pledge Manager up as quickly as practicable. We will keep you informed on all the steps as the next phase of the crowdfund goes forward. Cheers!!

Only 15 hours to go!! SO close to $600k and Ed's Adventure!! You all are AMAZING!! Can we still get to $700k... the projections say YES!! Maybe even more. Please tell some friends and let's get there!!
8 months ago – Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 11:11:15 AM

There are only a few hours left before the Kickstarter is over. 

Your last chance to get this wonderful historic, rare, and wonderfully collectible Adventure & Campaign...

Your last chance to get hundreds of $$$ in free loots...

And your last chance to enjoy a most incredible series of tales inspired by Gary and the many legends of the game...

Please consider backing if you have not... and if you have... if enough folks tell friends we still have a great chance to hit $700k and add even more loot!!

Back Gyzaengaxx Now

Also... if you haven't done so yet, be sure to check out all the amazing add-ons that we've put up!

And... check out the pic below of Luke and Alphinius getting slimed for charity. It's epic!!


The shadows fall... what shall become of Garold Gyzaengaxx?


The Gyzaengaxx Campaign and the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx are going to be SO good!!

Really. Like awesome. Like you are going to love them!

Hundreds of pages of amazing content with MANY full-color artwork handouts, Legend NPCs (and other intriguing folks too) all in portrait NPC cards, beautiful, full-color maps, magnificent magic item cards & rewards cards and so much more... all wrapped into a fearful, fun, mysterious, and enthralling set of tales.

There's even a vampire. 

Ya. Her. 

Hail to you all!

We cannot thank each of you enough for helping make Gyzaengaxx possible. The response has been wonderful and truly humbling. Indeed, we are so excited to bring this marvelous campaign setting and the associated tales... especially the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx adventure... to you... and then to the world.

But we aren't through yet!!

We still have a great chance to hit $700k or better and open up at least FOUR more stretch goal tiers. And the $700k unlock will get us more of the Crovenloft tales.

And almost all backers are already getting hundreds of dollars in Stretch Goal value.

As to the end... we will see what happens between now and when the clock strikes midnight (Mountain Time) tonight. As we write this, there are only about 12 hours left. 

And it has been so much fun.

So thank you. <3

Now... there might be another secret in this update so you should probably keep track of it. More on that below.


The Environs of Gyzaengaxx will be a massive campaign box set filled with hundreds of pages of content and all manner of beautiful, full-color maps, NPC portrait cards, magic item cards, rewards cards and so much more!!


The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx Adventure will take your party to the dark and dangerous tower of the Wizard, Garold Gyzaengaxx... what locals now refer to as "The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx" now. A huge adventure with hundreds of pages of content, handouts, item cards, NPC portraits, rewards cards, and so much more. 

Yes... Luke and Alphinius got gooey...

So it seems we had promised to get gooed at Gary Con to support ExtraLife if we hit $500k.

Well... clearly we hit $500k.

And this morning we got dumped on. Right in the hotel.

That gooey stuff is still stuck in our beards!


Once more we will ask, friends...

Because it really is making a difference.

So many of you have told other people about the project and helped to grow the success of the Kickstarter. 

We'll ask one more time that you please do share. 

We really can hit $700k today with your help. And get all the backers even more value.

We want to do this and hope you will help us add a backer or two.

And thank you in advance for the assistance. You all are marvelous.

We'll write once more with a totally fun update as we get to the last hour or two.


Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

Oh... the secret... yep. It's in here...

Only 36 hours left!! Don't miss out on getting the limited edition Gyzaengaxx materials, friends.... and the hundreds of dollars in stretch goal value along with them!! PLUS... New stretch goals are UP!! And more to be added!!
8 months ago – Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 12:04:22 PM

You all are fabulous!! Gyzaengaxx has reached epic status. Truly friends... Thank you for your support for this historic project. We just unlocked the $550k tier... And your haul just keeps on growing!!


- Moving towards 3,000 backers...

- Almost $550k raised with 36 hours still to go...

- Magnificent stretch goals with many more to come...

- A rare and wonderful, collectible adventure & campaign setting...

- And an enthralling adventure & campaign your players will love!!

Time is almost up, friends... please consider backing today:

Back the Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter

The Gyzaengaxx materials are going to be magnificent with many color art handouts, NPC portraits (with many legends represented as characters), magnificent maps, item cards, rewards cards, Adventure & GM Reference books... and more!!!

In this update:


Really?? $700 to $800k?? Yes!! Hitting even $800k and beyond is VERY possible. And that means more stretch goals for YOU!! Tell a friend and help us get there. =)


Stretch Goal Preview!! Yes indeed... please see below. And what the heck is a Faunz??


Is there a part 4 to the Crovenloft tale? We shall have to see at $700k!!


Is there a NEW adventure to come?? $800k is looming... and so might another tale....


Join the Gooey Cube Gooey Game Master's Den of Enlightenment on Facebook and find out how you might contribute to the Gyzaengaxx tales as a contributor!! You really can!!

Join the Gooey Den


Hail friends!

With about 36 hours to go we have now unlocked the $525k level AND the $550k level... and we are rapidly moving towards the $575k tier. This is what we expected would begin in the last 48 hours and it is giving us a strong indication that we will finish very strong.

And that means you'll be getting even more stretch goal value!!

But you can help us even more by telling a few friends about all that is happening with the Gyzaengaxx project. Even with all our friends talking up the Kickstarter... even with all the advertising... even with all the promotions we've put forth... we promise there are many who do not even know about Gyzaengaxx. 

So please take a moment to share the Kickstarter... tell a friend or two... and let's see if we can push into the $900k to $1 millions level. We promise that the stretch goals will get even MORE wonderful if we start reaching into those levels. Yes we do.


Stretch Goal Preview:

Check out the upcoming stretch goals!!

Already unlocked are the $525k and the $550k tiers!!


The Evil in Crovenloft... UNLOCKED!! 

Part 2 of the Ghost Stone tale. SO creepy!!


NPC Pogs 2 & Fabulous Feats 1 ... UNLOCKED!! 

Two marvelous Stretch Goals for YOU!!


ALMOST UNLOCKED... The Evil in Crovenloft!! 

Part 3 of the Ghost Stone tales... Scary... fun... fabulous.


The AMAZING Rirandral .stl AND A Trouble with Rats!! 

In collaboration with Ed Greenwood... a tremendous Gyzaengaxx adventure for 1st level characters. SO fun!! And Rirandral is Ed's wonderful character in the tales.... epic!!


The BONUS $600k Stretch Goal... SO good!! 

The Gooey Dice Jail .stl file and part one of Confuddling Concoctions!!


Corruptic Flowblades!! 

Our second part of the Flowblades material speaks to these powerful and dangerous magic items. They are marvelous indeed.....


There may be MORE stretch goals revealed on the Kickstarter page. Check them out... and please consider backing if you have not....

Check out Gyzaengaxx


Is there a part 4 of the Ghost Stone Series??

Indeed there may be. For there are two other sisters who still need to play in the tale....

Yes friends... we are so excited for Crovenloft and the marvelous adventures the tales will bring to your table. There is so much to come as we grow the marvelous Gyzaengaxx Environs and the three vampire sisters are a big part of it.

You may even be able to help us craft some of these tales... 

But to do that you must join the Contributors' Guild. Find out more on our FB page:

Join the Gooey Den



Lastly... is there ANOTHER adventure perhaps coming at $800k??

Of that we shall have to see...

For most assuredly, it is a tale still in the telling.

Cheers friends!! So much more to come in the next 36 hours.

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team