
The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx: Adventure & Campaign Setting

Created by Gooey Cube/Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter

The enthralling and lampoony, collectible TTRPG adventure & campaign homage to Gary Gygax, authored by Luke Gygax and Alphinius Goo!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The FINAL Days!! A Dead Rogue (It's Tiamat's Fault). An amazing announcement!! New Add Ons!! And your time is almost up my friend.....
3 months ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 01:38:41 PM

"Listen, friend, I've got some bad news... The rogue is dead."

Your time is almost up!! There are but a few days left. If you haven't done so yet, please consider backing the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter.

"Truly... I'm terribly sorry about Dashraa. I liked her. She was a good person... well... for a thief that is. But, if you don't mind my saying so, not the sharpest tool in the shed if you get my meaning.... "

There's so much value already in the stretch goals. Literally hundreds of $$$ in free stuff already unlocked. And there's likely a lot more coming in the final days. 

"Seriously... it really was her own damn fault!"

And we've put up more add-ons so you can help grow the Kickstarter and help us unlock more stretch goals!!


"I mean who tries to steal the eye from a huge, massively magic, demon-infused statue!!?? One that radiates evil like an owlbear throws stink!!"

AND we're adding more Stretch Goals to the Kickstarter page AND... in honor of Gary... we've added one more awesome prize to the 50-Prizes for 50-Years Contest!!


Then, of course, there was that gargantuan, multi-headed dragon... Tiamat, I think? Ya... that's the name. Anyway... it wasn't pretty." Yep... Da'ashann was obliterated. 

"Oh... and now she's a ghost and won't stop haunting me. Totally annoying."

Da'ashraa the Rogue. You may learn more about her in the future.......


(Oh... and please save this update, friends... a secret may lie within....)


Cheers and greetings to you, marvelous supporters!!

Indeed... it now comes down to this... 

The last few days of the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter are upon us. And you all are AMAZING!! We're on the way to 2,500 backers with many followers still "waiting on the sidelines" (typical in most Kickstarters, by the way) who will likely back in the last 72 hours or so. 

And, as we write this, we're just about to break $500k and add those FABULOUS next four unlocks to the Stretch Goals... bringing even more to your loot haul for backing!!

That puts us on the path to $525k, $550k, $575k and the very special $600k unlocks which include the incredible adventure co-authored by Ed Greenwood, A Trouble with Rats!! Keep your eye on the Kickstarter page for the added Stretch Goals we'll be putting up in the next few hours. They're awesome too!!

And once we break $600k... then there's even MORE to come (truly friends... you will be astounded when we hit the $750k mark. And even more astounded if/when we hit $1 million)!!

Oh... and there's still that pesky "Secret Stretch Goal" still to be revealed.

Plus we're announcing that we're adding a Tiamat (yes... the big one) to the 50-Prizes for 50-Years contest. YES... you can win it!!

And we're having a BLAST at Gary Con!!

So if you haven't backed yet... please think about doing so. The time is VERY short now.

Back The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx

In this update:


New Add-Ons are UP on the Kickstarter page!! Check these out!! Chet Minton's AMAZING artwork on T-Shirts and Hoodies; The SECOND COPY option of the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx & the Environs of Gyzaengaxx for you collectors; AND... there two very special, exclusive offerings including a very limited, hand-crafted, wood Gyzaengaxx GM Screen and an autographed copy of the Gary Con exclusive convention-only Ghost Stone (signed by Luke and Alphinius). 


PLUS... Get All the Stretch Goals in Physical Form!! Speaking of this... many have asked so you now have the opportunity to purchase ALL of the Kickstarter Stretch Goals (up to and including the $600k unlocks) in physical form. And they're at a discount for backers!! (Yes we're banking on getting to at least the $600k mark. We got this!!). And YES... you can get the minis too!!


New Stretch Goals are soon to be up!! Watch the Kickstarter page for the $525k, $550k, $575k AND the additional unlocks at $600k beyond Ed's awesome adventure!!

The Evil in Crovenloft (chapter 2 of The Ghost Stone series) MAY now be coming as a Stretch Goal. Watch the Kickstarter page this afternoon/evening..... And what about the final chapter... The Crypts of Crovenloft?? OY!!! If we get there... they will be combined.... HaHA!!


YOU can win Tiamat!! 

Yes you can!!

See below.....



We'll do this fast as we can as we're a bit late getting this out:

New Add-Ons are UP on the Kickstarter... Including all of the Stretch Goals in physical form.

Yes you can also get the miniatures printed too!!

You wanted more things to help add to the haul and we've got them up in the Add-Ons section now so you can help us kick up the stretch goal value:

Tee's and Hoodies: Chet's custom Gyzaengaxx artwork is fantastic and the shirts and hoodies are epic!! We're looking at adding a grey option (and should not have a problem doing so after the Kickstarter is over) so if you would prefer grey, go ahead and add. We'll get you take care of. 

And... There are only 20 of the hand-made screens (they're numbered limited editions) crafted by Strange Fate Crafts. And they are stunning (there's a pic below). 

AND... you can also add all of the stretch goals in physical form as an add-on (up to and including the $600k stretch goals). It's a tremendous amount of material for a very good price to give a deal to our backers.

Many of you asked us to print the minis for you... we have that as an add-on as well. And at a very good price!! 


New Stretch Goals Going UP later today!!

Watch the Kickstarter page for the new stretch goals going up for $525k, $550k, and $575k (and perhaps a bit more at the $600k level beyond Ed Greenwood's amazing adventure). We're so excited to show these to you!! They should be up within an hour or two of the sending of this update. AMAZING!!

And if it all works out as we think... The Ghost Stone and the other two chapters will be combined into a marvelous larger adventure package. It will be amazing!!

Seriously... you gotta' admit... these stretch goals are getting pretty fabulous, yes??

The second part of the Ghost Stone series. Could it be coming soon?? Watch the Kickstarter page.....



Tiamat? You can win!! And it's a BONUS so it's still 50 other prizes!! 

Pay no attention to whomever made that graphic!!

Indeed we've ADDED Tiamat to the amazing 50-Prizes for 50-Years contest so you can win! There's no purchase necessary but you do need to register on the Kickstarter pre-registration page (now the "post-registration page"... LOL.

Register to Win!

Go ahead... you know you want to......


Ok... that's about it, friends. We hope you are loving these updates. And don't forget to keep them in mind after the Kickstarter is over. Because the game will NOT be.

Indeed... more fun is coming.

So please do help us to finish this strong as we WILL add to your loot haul. Tell some friends. Add-On if you can. And share and post on Social Media too. It really does make a difference for getting the word out.

And remember... you will only be able to get the special collector's editions of the campaign (it really will be pretty rare) by backing this Kickstarter. As you likely know already... it's being co-authored by Luke and Alphinius and will be absolutely fabulous with all kinds of excellent lore, tale, art, item cards, NPC portraits (of the legends and others), and SO much more.

Lastly... at this point there are literally hundreds of dollars in free stuff going to most of our backers because the project is going so well. We're just about to break $500k in funding at this point and we're moving towards 2,400 backers. 

And the final days are only just beginning. Really... they don't begin until tomorrow. That means we could have quite a run here... we will see.

But if we do... that means there there will be even more stretch goals to unlock.

We end at midnight on Sunday, March 24th. 

Here we go for the final countdown, friends.

Back The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx

Cheers to you, friends!! Cheers to Gyzaengaxx!!

And there is still more to come!!

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

PS.... One last little thing...

Mandi's Marvelous Video

Lastly... if you haven't yet watch Camera Mandi's new video on the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx, it is definitely worth your time. It's linked below:

A Dark Tale

Check out this video that tells the tale of Garold Gyzaengaxx. It's so good!

(Warning: Some graphic violence in this prose...) ......... The zombified walkers ambled forward from the darkness... moaning and screeching... their dead eyes and gaping maws seeking your flesh...
3 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 11:14:08 AM

Arrows flew from your bow, but though your aim was true, not a single one of the horrors fell. Your heart chilled in your chest as you realized these were far more than the animated corpses you had expected... 

The necrotic monstrosities moved fast — too fast — and sweat beaded on your brow as the nauseating stench of death swirling about them reached your nostrils... sickening your stomach.

You did not even have time to wretch before they were upon you.

The unliving mob drove you to the ground as you slashed with your blade, hoping beyond hope that you could somehow destroy them and save yourself...

But it was not to be.


As your mind faded to unconsciousness, you felt their clawed fingers upon you... tearing and slashing your skin to the bone... their fetid mouths biting into your limbs and torso... feeding upon your body as your blood poured forth to stain the trampled ground.

Your last thought was simply that you wished you had never taken the job... that you had not come to this terrifying locality ... that you had never even heard of this wizard's tower known as... 



Now... Be sure to save this update. There is a secret you will want to know at the end.... 

And please consider backing the Kickstarter if you have not done so yet. It's going to be a wonderful setting and adventure... and very collectible... and beyond this... the stretch goals are already getting to the "ludicrous speed" level (to quote old Darky Helmet).



Cheers and greetings, friends!!

This is but a quick update today with a big announcement coming tomorrow about another amazing stretch goal, how you can get still another entry into our massive "50-Prizes for 50-Years" giveaway, AND a very special add-on that you are going to likely be excited about. And Camera Mandi's AMAZING new video that you will LOVE!!

In This Update


Another totally awesome stretch goal announcement coming tomorrow. New materials... cool items... AND... yes... another free adventure!!


Get yet ANOTHER entry into the amazing 50-Prizes for 50-Years Giveaway by simply making a post in the Kickstarter Comments section about what excites you most about Gyzaengaxx. (No... there is no "pinned post" this time. We had no idea that KS would spam everyone with those notices... our humblest apologies for that happening).


But FIRST... We are so excited to share Camera Mandi's FULL Gyzaengaxx video. It's a marvelous little tale and though you may have seen the beginning of it... you have definitely not seen most of this wonderful production. Truly it is amazing and worth far more than the 1.5 minutes of your time it will take to view it. See below... and Enjoy!!

(Oh... and if you have a moment... give her a comment on the Kickstarter comments page about this. She worked SO hard on it to make it great. Thanks in advance for giving her "a little love"). 

It's also up on the Gooey Cube Facebook page so you can share it!!


YOU...Yes YOU will have the opportunity contribute to the Gyzaengaxx tales... as a writer. 

Many of you have asked about contributing to Gyzaengaxx. And indeed... You may be able to be published in the tales. To start... please do join our Facebook Group: The Gooey Game Master's Den of Enlightenment. Here's the link: 


More to come on this indeed.


Lastly... we're moving very quickly towards $500k and the next Stretch Goal unlock which is FOUR awesome items. If you haven't looked at those, they're upon the Kickstarter page. As we've noted before, most Backers are getting hundreds of dollars in free stuff already. With more to come for sure!! Please tell your friends.


The AMAZING Gyzaengaxx Video by Camera Mandi

Indeed friends... Camera Mandi's Video that begins the tale is magnificent. You may have seen the beginning... but this is the full video tale. It's up on the Gooey Cube Facebook Page now so if you don't mind sharing it, that would be fabulous. 

Oh... and while you're at it... don't forget to go to the Kickstarter page and make a comment letting Camera Mandi what you think. She'll love that.


Get ANOTHER entry into the 50-Prizes Giveaway!

Indeed friends... get another entry into the fabulous "50-Prizes for 50-Years" contest by just going to the Kickstarter page and putting up a comment about what excites you most about Gyzaengaxx. No pinned post. Just put it up. Our Gooey Crew will tally them up at the end. And you get another chance to win!!

One of the prizes is a physical copy of the Gary Con GM-only copy of The Ghost Stone!! This is a very rare item and the first Gyzaengaxx product ever produced!! Magnificent!!

Yes... the Gary Con GM-Only Ghost Stone adventure. With Alex trying to look cool!! 


Keep your eye's on your email for a big announcement tomorrow!!

We have a really wonderful announcement coming that you are going to love.

How's that for a teaser?? HaHA!!


You could contribute to the Gyzaengaxx tales as an author!!

Gooey Cube has a marvelous group that is called The Contributors' Guild. It has been in existence almost since the beginning of our establishment. And in that time literally hundreds of our friends and fans have contributed to our tales.

It is something we believe in and it has made our world richer for doing so.

And YOU will also have the opportunity to add to these Gyzaengaxx tales. And get a wonderful little reward for doing so.

There is much more coming on this but the first step is to make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list (most of you should be already from pre-registering) and then, please join our private Facebook Group, The Gooey Game Master's Den of Enlightenment.

Once the Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter ends we will begin making announcements there and on our Discord (Gooey Cube). And perhaps you will help to author some of Gyzaengaxx!!

So please start by joining the Gooey Den. Just click the link below to go to Facebook and apply to join. 



We're starting to see significant pledge growth and we're still EARLY!!

Typically Kickstarters do all their big growth in the last three days. But we are already seeing the pledges amping up with two "trough days" still to go. This is a great sign that we are going to finish strong. 

But we need your help to keep unlocking those stretch goals.

Please tell your friends... share our posts... this truly is a historic and wonderful project that will be very rare and collectible. And as most of you know, the stretch goals are already fabulous and only getting better for our backers.

Also... tomorrow we'll be putting up some new add-ons that you are going to love. If you want to up your pledge to get these that will also help with unlocking the next tiers.


Cheers to you, friends!! Cheers to Gyzaengaxx!!

Onward to adventure!!

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey Gaxxy Team

Inches away from $475k!! More Loot for YOU!! AND... New Stretch Goals up on the Kickstarter page!! Could we reach $1 million....???
3 months ago – Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 01:12:38 PM

We're still in the "trough days" but we have added  pledges at a much higher rate over the past two days. This is a very good sign. 

Plus we're about to unlock the $475k tier with $500k very much in sight....

Your loot haul is getting even bigger!!

Check out the Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter


We will likely break the $475k mark within an hour or two from now and unlock another Stretch Goal tier. We're well on the way to $500k and likely much more than that which will only add to your already significant haul of loots!!


In this update:


Important info for International Backers!! You get free product to offset some of your shipping costs if you back the Kickstarter. It's a great deal. See below!!


New Stretch Goals are up on the Kickstarter page (and we show them below)!! The haul at $500k is amazing with more to come!!


We're on the way to 2,300 backers with tremendous upside potential to add MANY more. See below for details!!


Could we actually unlock the million dollar tier? Yes we can!! And the loot add will be crazy if we do. See below for why we think it's very possible.


Gary Con is this weekend... and a number of our GMs are going to be running The Ghost Stone for players at the convention. They say it's a great tale. See below for some info on this marvelous little one-shot.


Cheers and greeting friends!!

We are getting ready to head out to Gary Con but we have much good news to share with you. The Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter continues to roll forward even given we are in these "trough days" still. But that will soon change. For we are soon to move into the final days of the campaign when Kickstarter's typically grow as much as 20% to 30% or even more. And we think we will grow much more than that.

And that means more loot for you!!

So please do help us get out the word as you are able. The time is short. Your friends have only a few days to back and ensure that they get the highly collectible, Kickstarter-Only version of the materials.

Now read on for a lot of fabulous info and some other awesome things that you will want to know about. 

International Backers Get Free Product!!

Firstly... we know that International backers pay a lot in import fees and shipping. We are helping with that. At the bottom of the Kickstarter Page is a little bit of info on this as it really will help to make those shipping costs less impacting. Check it out... It's an incredible deal.

International Backers... you get FREE PRODUCT to help offset the shipping costs!! Back today!!


New Stretch Goals are UP on the Kickstarter Page!!

And they are AWESOME!!

If you haven't had a chance yet, go to the Kickstarter page and check out the awesome new Stretch Goals that are now posted. We have a fabulous one up that we're about to unlock as we write this. First there is Garold's Nemesis (a most annoying and terrifying Demi-Lich) .stl file and a character who will figure prominently in the adventure (and frustrate your players greatly).

AND... we will unlock the fully keyed and expanded Village of Etholmm to add to your Environs Campaign Set. This fabulous Stretch Goal will give you a full-color, illustrated and keyed map along with a marvelous little supplement for the Village. 

It's a $30 value that you get for FREE if you back at the Adventure & Campaign bundle level or any of the higher tiers beyond that.

We have almost unlocked these amazing Stretch Goals!! The Village of Etholmm is an entire supplement with a wonderful illustrated map and all the locations keyed and populated. And, then there's the Demi-Lich..... ugh.

And please take a moment to check out the Kickstarter page to see the awesome FOUR unlocks that happen when we break $500k. We're certain you will be impressed!! We show one below. It's awesome!!

Check out the Gyzaengaxx Kickstarter

Just one of the FOUR unlocks when we break $500k is wonderful Groguu and the full supplement detailing the fearful Village of Blun with a wonderful illustrated map and all the locations keyed and populated!! 


Heading to 2,300 Backers!! Could we break the $1 million mark? Yes we can!! Here's why...

So truly... we're a little freaked out at how many stretch goals we'll need to bring to you if we actually break the million dollar mark with this Kickstarter. But we do think it's quite possible that we will. 

And if we do... your haul will get will be even more fabulous than it is already!!

Here's why we think we could do it:

Firstly... we're already looking at projections that are putting the Kickstarter finishing in the $600k to $700k range...

BUT... most Kickstarters are not advertising at the level we are advertising at to get the word out to potential backers.

AND... our Kickstarter will be running at the same time that Gary Con is happening with 3,500 people attending who are true Gary fans. And we have a great promotion planned for Gary Con which the attendees are going to love.

And THAT means we could literally add many hundreds of additional backers over the weekend who are NOT included in the "general trend" projections. And we all know what that could mean for our Stretch Goals!!

So please help us get there. Back if you can now to keep the momentum as we prepare for the final 72 hours. And tell some friends who you think would love this very special, collectible adventure and campaign package. We are confident you, and they, will love the products.


The Ghost Stone ( the free adventure you are getting) is already getting some very good reviews. And we're running it at Gary Con this weekend!!

And most backers will get it for FREE as one of your many already unlocked Stretch Goals!!

The Ghost Stone is a fun little tale that you get for free as part of your haul. It's a fearful and fun little tale where your players will need to infiltrate the grounds of the fearsome Crovenloft estate to locate the mysterious Ghost Stone therein. But time is not on their side and they must complete the quest before the vampire of the estate discovers them.

Can they do it? We shall see. For it is most certainly a tale still in the telling.

The spirit of Ardrana resides within the Ghost Stone. She keeps a most important secret. Can your players gain the word of opening she keeps in her heart before the vampire discovers them? 


Lastly, we must take a moment as we are truly heartbroken at the passing of the wonderful and talented Jim Ward. He is truly one of the legends of the game and we shall remember him fondly. We are also so very grateful that he is one of the legends taking part as a character in the Gyzaengaxx tales. He was excited to be one of the characters and we only wish he was here to see it through. 

Much love Jim... you will be greatly missed.

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team

"Sit down adventurers!! Calm yourselves. I'm going to tell you how to get all the treasure..." (Oh... and be sure to save this update as there may be a secret of two herein you will need in the future....)
3 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 11:28:16 AM

The old gnome was prim and proper. He looked across the table at your party and took a long puff on his pipe. The smoke swirled about and carried with it a sweet and spicy smell. Looking at you appraisingly, he at last spoke...

"What you ask is a most difficult thing, my friends. The Ba'anderwocky and the Ja'abbersnatcher are both very dangerous monsters. And at least one of each kind are now abiding in the woods around Gyzaengaxx's tomb... uh.... tower."


"Now... I do not know this for certain, but I was a good friend to the wizard. And he told me things. Many things. I believe to succeed in your quest you will need to access the Gyzaenbot — a modified Inzandra'az that is quite powerful and very knowledgeable in the many protections of the tower. But I do not know for certain where the Gyzaenbot may be found. I do not believe it is in the tower, however."

Were I you, I would search the northern part of the woods for a secret hideout that the archmage once hinted at to me. 'A place for my solitude' is what Gyzaengaxx said of it. I believe the Gyzaenbot may be there. Now go... I wish Kizmya's blessing upon you. And by Jinxx may no tricks be played."

"And watch out for those fearsome monstrosities. You'll know they are coming for you when you hear a 'snikker-snak' sound........"


In this update:

The final days... and a special new program that enters you to win one of 50 AMAZING prizes from Gaxxworx and Gooey Cube!! See Below...

Plus you'll help spread the word so we get more backers and more Stretch Goal Loots!! (And if you're already entered, this new program will give you an extra chance to win!!). All the info is in the section below including the link to the post.

See below for the link to tell your friends about Gyzaengaxx and get an extra entry to WIN!!


Another Stretch Goal Reveal... You will love this one!!

Yes... it involves a vantastic and vabulous vampire!!


We're on our way to $475k with $500k well within our sight. And you know the last few days will likely be huge!! 

Projections are putting us finishing potentially as high as $700k or more but they don't take into account Gary Con. Because of this, we still believe as high as $1 million is possible. And that means a LOT more Stretch Goal Loot for YOU!! 

Tell some friends... we can get there!!


And below... a second secret password you may want to know about. HaHA!! Indeed you may....

We hope you're keeping track of these.....


Lastly... we've added more add-ons so you can up your pledge and add to the Stretch Goal volume. One of them is the special, memorial T-shirt and/or Hoodie with magnificent Chet Minton's artwork proudly displayed!! See it below....


Hail friends!!

We are coming to the end... but what an end it is likely to be. Indeed, we are currently at over 2,200 backers with thousands more following the project who have not yet backed (many people back at the end as you may know). 

The $475k and $500k Stretch Goal tiers are well within reach and, as we noted above, the projections look very favorable for a much higher number. And those projections really have no way to take into account the totally fun and amazing Gary Con promotions and activities we will be doing... where we think we can add hundreds more backers.

And that means more Stretch Goal value for YOU!! 

Plus, given that we're already at some hundreds of dollars in free loot for most backers... and that we just can't help ourselves to add more... this is likely to become an even more awesome value for you by the end. Not to mention the amazing adventure and campaign limited editions that you can only get by backing this Kickstarter. 

Truly... Gyzaengaxx is becoming a truly epic value.

So help us spread the word. And see below for a new program that could win you a wonderful prize just for helping get the news out in these final days.


A special new program to help get the word out. And help you win an amazing prize!!

As many of you know, we're giving away 50 fabulous prizes as part of this Kickstarter. If you've registered on you already are entered. 

But here's a way for you to double your chances of winning one of the prizes AND help us add to your Stretch Goal haul as well. It's easy and fast. 

Just click the link below. Then like the Facebook post, share it, and most important, tag three or more friends you think would like the Kickstarter. That's it. We'll make sure you get entered.

And with a little good fortune... lots of our friends will back and add dramatically to the stretch goal haul for YOU and all the other backers!! Here's that link:

The Gyzaengaxx FB Share Post

Like it. Share it. Tag at least three friends. And you could WIN!!


A marvelous and fearful new Stretch Goal (one of many still to come)

YESSS..... Somewhere between $500k and $650k... we will unlock this marvelous adventure for YOU!!

Yes indeed, friends. The Ghost Stone was but the beginning. Within the fearful, mist-shrouded valley known as Deadenvale lies the dark and terrifying Crovenloft Estate. There, the vampire Stratinava is bound within the walls.

But a secret lies within the manse. And it must be brought forth.

Can your party enter the mansion, explore the shadowed halls and the ancient crypts below, and uncover the mystery before the time is up? Or will you die a most horrible death? 

Or worse, live on in undeath as a vampire thrall of Stratinava....

As to the answer, we do not know...  for this is a tale still in the telling.

But we do know this. There is a most important password that will be required. Without it, you are doomed to be sure. And that password is:

"I do not say Bleh Bleh Bleh!!"


The Evil in Crovenloft will be a most enthralling adventure for both you and your players....


Lastly friends.... MORE Add-Ons are UP!!

(with more coming)!! 

But here's one... Check out the shirt design for both the T-shirt and the Hoodie. 

It's magnificent!!

The AMAZING Gyzaengaxx artwork by Chet Minton on a T-shirt or Hoodie!!


Friends... once again... we cannot thank you enough. We are so excited to bring this amazing project to the world. 

AND we can't wait to thank all our backers with not just a most enthralling, scary, and fun adventure and campaign that will both be rare and very collectible... but also a lot of extra free loots to make backing a fabulous value. 

Truly... the Kickstarter is becoming EPIC and that's because of you.

Cheers, indeed!! So much more to come.

-- Luke, Alphinius, and the Gooey-Gaxxy Team